Legacy: 2nd Edition of Profound Bestseller Letters to My Daughters
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Synopsis: At a time when America's moral fabric is ripped, Avery reintroduces "a father's love" to the world as an essential value of self-restoration and healing for all. A core value in self-restoration is self-esteem, a person's sense of self-worth, which correlates to self-confidence. For daughters, having an engaged father during her developmental years is significant and can be a natural nurturing experience for self-esteem as the need for self-image and self-concepts to be congruent. Avery's God invoking literature is designed to initiate, secure, and reinforce a father's love to and for his daughters. Specifically, Avery's focus is on the father-daughter relationship from birth through young adulthood, however, the core relationship is eternal.
"Powerful and inspiring...A profound book that infuses core values with poetic stories encouraging strong father-daughter relationships while providing life tools needed for daughters of all ages." ~ Angela W. Patton, Founder of Camp Diva / CEO Girls For A Change
"My legacy is sharing my God given gifts of love, empowerment, inspiration and encouragement through profound written affirmations of love to my daughters and everyone reading my words that will transcend these pages and forever be embedded in their hearts." ~ Avery Washington
Legacy promotes:
Stronger father and daughter relationships Love, loyalty, and unity with family and community
Good mental health by having knowledge of self and history
Success through faith and perseverance Wisdom, guidance and affirmations of love
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